Sunday, November 23, 2008

Libreary Friends

Friends from CU in a bear hug.
Being a bear of little stuffing, Libeary is easily tucked in and I must watch him to keep him from being secreted away.

Windsor Station

The railway station in Windsor is like a shopping mall. There are heaters and glass roofing so that you are outside in an enclosed area with lots of opportunities to shed uneeded pounds. I spent so much time in the Castle I only did a bit of pound spending.

Windsor Castle

The castle is very large and Libeary needed a lay down before he could go on. The castle wall overlooks the moat, which is now a garden, no one has invaded in years, except the Americans.
Pictures are not allowed inside, there will be many illustrations and postcards when we return.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The weather here is a bit moist and does have a tendency to cause frizzy hair especially after a mud bath and no conditioner.

Retired in England

Feeling a little run down, this is what happens when the lorrys loose a tire. The challenge of the course is to emerge with as little mud as possible.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rememberance in Canterbury

The community came together for two minutes of silence only broken by shuffleing of feet and the wind. An awsome display, even the Queen stopped to pay tribute in London to the end of the first world war.

Rememberence Day

Rememberance Day is commeortated on the Sunday before November 11 here. A bid to do in the town square of every city, Canterbury is no exception. They called out the pipers. The wind was calm to the relief of the piper. Monday brought a gale, I would not have wanted to be in a kilt for anything then. The sun has retruned to the isle today and brollys are back in the stands.
Mine was in much need of repair after reversing itself many times.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

After six hours in Victoria Station, Libeary and I rode the train home to take a jammy day. Good choice, today England let loose with typical November weather, wind and rain and cold. The sun may come out tomorrow; in England, after a week of celebrating with fireworks they hold Rememberance Day. Parades and special services for the war dead and surviors of the second world war.

Libeary was trying to get to the thrown in King Charles I 's castle, but they frown on puppet kings here.

Libeary and I were visiting with the Beefeaters and another of the ranks volunteered to take a picture. Funny thing happened with a bear once and now the policy is not to touch any bears.
More of that story later.

Tower Beefeaters

Two of the famous ravens at the tower, size is deceiving they are the size of a chicken about ten pounds and visitors are warned they will take aggresive action. Their diet consists of biscuits soaked in blood, because they are carrrian animals, their main job is to keep the moat clean of dead animals.

London Bridge

This is not London Bridge, which is in Texas, US, this is Tower Birdge, so called because it crosses the river at the Tower of London, famous for being a prison and home of the crown jewels.
I did manage to remove a crown and a jewel through the usual methods. I surrendered pounds and they hand over the goods, international trade!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Camel Bookmobile

I wish I could be in Limestone to discuss the Camel Bookmobile, but it appears I may actually get to visit the real thing. My son has suggested I take a dessert safari while I am in the U. A. E.

Winter is the best time to be in the dessert it only reaches ninety degrees.

In the mean time I still have Paris in the rain.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

These are my friends from CRIBS. International students from Japan, France, South Africa, Kenya, England and the US can you tell who is from where. They can all speak English which helps me a lot. The weekend in France taught me that English is not universal, I have work to do on my language studies.

Mona Lisa is protected behind thick glass and entertains more than a million photos everyday, talk about a carmera ham.

The Louvre does not encourage bears to visit, so this time Libeary stayed in the coach.

Libeary likes to visit libraries wherever he goes, in Versailles all the books are in French, so we didn't stay long.

Ballon Art

The Palace of Versailles mixes art work from the past with present day. This work is over 12 feet high by the artist Koons.

Ballon Art

The displays in Versailles range from the antique to the modern, this static display is by Koons and stands over 12 feet high.

Sunset over Callais, France. The clouds are heading inland forcasting a clear day of England.

Bear with me!

From the white cliffs of Dover to the Isle of Paris in one day. Quite a jump for such a small bear.