Sunday, June 28, 2009

Snowball fight in June

As part of my clinical for Child Development I must interact with all ages of children. At the Limestone Park the 5 thru 12 year olds were amazed that you could have a snowball fight in June when the temperature was over 90 degrees. We really did work up a sweat!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another adventure is under development!

The Korean Consulate began the journey. I have been accepted to teach and learn in South Korea for the fall semester.
Departure date is between August 1 and 3 with classes beginning August 4.
My assignment begins September 1 and I will return tentatively January 31 of 2010.
Many things will happen in the next five weeks, laundry, learning survival Korean,
laundry, finishing student teaching in child care, saying goodbye again. I love the airport life!