Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun and Games at the Whacks Museum

Scenes from Canterbury Tales in wax.

Fun and Games at the Whacks Museum is a short story compilation of horror .
Yes it is a juvenile book, but with stories from Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock 's Mystery Magazine it can be compared to the stories Chaucer told through the voice of the travelers to Canterbury. Holding your breath while the story comes to a conclusion with ellipses. . . everyone needs a scare to know the difference between real and mental activity.
Keep reading this is week eleven.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Last Word

No one who has been to Kensington Palace will ever forget the floral tribute paid to Diana and how it covered the entire entrance. Today the palace is open for tours and the last word about the Princess who lived here has yet to be written. Her fateful words of parting were, "I will not go quietly". She is not gone and she is still spoken of fondly by the world.
Simone Simmons claims to have intimate details of Diana's life and times. In The Last Word, Simmons claims close relationship to the Princess and shares with readers the details and pains. The story can only be corroborated by Diana, so we will have to read with artistic license. For Diana fanatics it is another book to add to the Diana shelf as the story of her life continues to be written.
Ten books read, forty-two to go! What are you reading?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The 360 Degree Leader

Going round about is a pastime in England, think nothing of going 360 degrees to be where you started. John C. Maxwell has something else in mind in The 360 Degree Leader. Determining where you are is crucial to getting out of the idea you cannot have influence in the middle of an organization. The book encourages readers to overcome challenges and build skills to produce leaders no matter where you stand.