Sunday, August 23, 2009

On the road again!

The travel is continuing as we moved from the comfort of Kyhung Hee to the Kolon Hotel resort in Gyeongbuk-do. There is mountain side view and a golf course. We have classes with little time between as we try to recover from the weekend home stay.

My family are hard working professionals during the week and farmers on the weekend. Coming to Korea was meant to help Korean nationals discover their roots, something I do not have, but seeing how the rural farmers still produce on the same level as back home has helped me find my roots. Although we did not grow ginger and pomegranates the methods of hard work and long hours produce the fruit of labors.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kyung Hee University

The university is part of the natural landscape as it tries to be part of and not in place of the land. Leaving the gates of the uni places you in a bustling city with subway crossings, so you don't have to play frogger with the traffic. Pedestrians do not have the right of way. . . the joke is walkers are twenty points. I am amazed at how the garden areas completely block out the sounds of the city except for the a/c units which we must have to be comfortable. The air is heavy like Illinois in August and moisture clings to everything. Horton has been staying in the dorm, perhaps tomorrow he will join me in Seoul, elephants don't like to climb mountains everyday.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life is a training field

From the fields of the midwest to the mountains of Korea, if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger. My calfs are in protest to the mountain climb from the dorm to the dinning hall, but I did ask for this training... no whining.

The greatest contrast is
between the urban development and the vast natural state in the same space. The development has let nature be part of the landscape, the buildings and the steps are part of the harmony, but not the melody of life. There are insects but few birds and cats and dogs are not seen living together. In fact no pets on leashes here?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day Two

Horton has been well received now that he is out of the case. Today was a formal event so he stayed in the dorm. Tomorrow he may go down town.

The food the music and the action packed expression of Korean art forms is amazing. Lots of fish dishes and always Kimchi. The locals tell me I will become acostom to the taste just eat a small amount each meal and in no time it will be an aquired taste. Time is on my side! Tomorrow classes begin and I really have to prove I can learn enough to teach.

Day Two

Today the entertainment was most Korean and the food was definately a change from normal.